Our standard returns policy for items bought is 30 days from ordering online.

If the item is unused, in its original packaging and accompanied by a valid proof of purchase, we’ll offer a full refund. The refund will be transferred back to the consumer only when the products have been returned at the consumers cost. The products must be re saleable, and the packaging must be in good conditioned. Upon inspection of goods if the goods require re packaging there will be a 20% packaging charge of the total order amount. This does not affect your statutory rights.

The shipping cost will not be refunded for any order that has already been delivered, as we use third party courier services and your shipping fee is paid directly to them at the time of collection from our warehouse.

Cancellation Rights

You have the right to cancel your order at any time up to 14 calendar days after the day on which you receive the products you ordered. You are reasonable to return the goods to the address the goods were dispatched from at your own cost.


We offer 12 months warranty on all board material and cubicle hardware fittings. We cannot offer refunds on board material where any panels have come in direct contact with water. Cubicle panels are not water resistant. Cubicle sets are for dry room environments, internal use only.  Cubicle fittings are SAA finish and again for internal use only and are not water resistant.